Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I LOVE Japanese Ramen. Now that it's getting colder, I'm as excited about Ramen as I am about chili.

Ramen MUST be served in gigantic bowls. I think it would be a crime if you were to serve Ramen in regular cereal bowls. There's just too much goodness to fit in cereal bowls. I've lived here 7 months now, and ever since our first evening here, and our first experience with a real Ramen restaurant, I've wanted to find some great Ramen bowls.

There was a huge Asian Bazaar a couple weekends ago, and one of the vendors had the exact bowls that I wanted. Time to try out a recipe! I bought the bowls, and after finishing my shift at the bazaar, I opened the box to find that they had sent me home with plates! NOooooo! I was pretty angry. So angry, in fact, that the very next weekend I drove myself right out to that vendor's business location and bought a set of bowls.... to compliment the set of plates that I decided to keep.... Ok. So I ended up getting over the plates pretty quickly.

That evening a couple of friends joined me to make some Japanese ramen. It turned out pretty well... but I'm glad I have the whole winter ahead of me to try out more recipes.

This ramen has Chinese noodles, green onions, pork loin, normal sprouts, and bamboo sprouts.

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