Tuesday, February 28, 2012

More Misawa Snow

I thought we got a lot of snow last winter, but apparently that was just an average winter for Misawa. This year has been above average... the snow just keeps coming!

It turns out that Chris is an excellent snow shoveler. I was skeptical at first, because he always managed to be deployed or TDY during our heavy snowfalls. :) It also turns out that I'm an incredibly ineffective snow shoveler while pregnant. Thank goodness Chris didn't deploy this winter!

I'll leave the snow shoveling to Chris... I'll take care of exercising the dog. The golf course near our house turns into a snowshoe paradise during the winter. Huck and Lowen (Alison's dog) can barely contain their excitement when we take them to the golf course.

It was an amazing morning... sunny, warm, and clear with about 6 inches of fresh snow.

The golf course is getting pretty deep for Huck.

But clearly he doesn't mind.

Have I mentioned that I love Misawa winters?!

38 weeks pregnant, and it turns out that snowshoeing for over an hour is not enough to kick-start labor :). 

...But it's more than enough to tire out a couple of dogs! Lowen didn't leave my snowshoe tracks for the entire walk back to the house. She was pretty wiped out. That was Sunday... it's Tuesday now and my maternity leave just started... I hope she's up for another morning at the golf course! :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Remember the guest room? Well I finally got my act together and turned it into a nursery.

Sorry, baby girl, but I'm not repainting the blue walls pink. I will, however, spend a lazy Saturday afternoon with dry erase markers and leftover paint pretending I'm some sort of artist.

Viola! A nursery!

Misawa Snow

We get the best snow in Misawa. I was impressed last year by the amount of snow we got... but this year has been even snowier. I am just really glad that Chris is here to shovel!
This was from a couple weeks ago. We woke up on a Thursday morning to 19 inches of new snow. These pictures were taken after most of the shoveling was done. 

We're running out of places to put the snow... every thing you shovel tends to roll back down to the sidewalk.

Midway through shoveling out all around our cars, the snowplow came blocked us in again... grr.

This is the monster icicle in our back yard that's threatening to slowly wall us in. That low shelf you see by the base of the icicle is actually the table attached to our grill... Yes, we probably should have put it into the storage shed for the winter.

Huck has one path he takes between the back door and the trees. He tries to keep it packed down, but unfortunately the snow keeps filling it. 

He's a pretty good swimmer though.